
Pest Control: The Dos and Dont’s of Birds Nest Removal

Are you tired of dealing with birds creating a nest in an unfortunate spot around your home? Do you have a bird’s nest around your doors, sheds, attics, or garages? If so, then you need to learn the dos and don’ts of bird nest removal. As you might imagine, there’s a right way and a wrong way to do this. By learning about the correct steps to take beforehand, you can ensure a seamless process. You don’t want to interfere with nature if you don’t have to. See below for a list of dos and don’ts for bird nest removal. Use all of this information to plan your removal today. Do: Take Preventative Measures As cliché as it might be, the best way to remove a bird’s nest is to take preventative measures beforehand. Don’t think that a bird would make a nest on your property? Think again. They like

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Common Signs of Termite Damage and What to Do About It

Termites cause billions of dollars in damage every year in the United States. If you live in an area that is prone to termite infestations, then you need to stay vigilant. If you end up having a termite problem and you don’t stop it quickly enough, then you could end up with some costly structural repairs. But what are the signs of termite damage? And what can you do if you find termites in or around your home? We’re glad you asked. Keep on reading and we will take you through everything that you’re going to want to know.  Chewing Noises or Head Banging A common sign that termites are present is quiet clicking noises coming from inside the walls. This is because soldier termites shake their bodies or bang their heads against the wood when the colony is disturbed. They do this to signal to the other termites that

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Pet-Friendly Pest Control: What Are Your Best Options?

Believe it or not, there are precautions you can take for pet-friendly pest control. Your pet is an essential part of your home and it’s important to keep them safe, no matter what you’re putting into it. So, what can you do? Are pest control companies even an option? Are there other approaches you can take? We have all the answers you need. Keeping reading to learn all you need to know about pet-friendly pest control. Is Pet-Friendly Pest Control Possible? In short, the answer is yes. Though some methods are friendlier than others, it’s always a wise idea to place pest control in places that your pet isn’t able to access. It’s also best to make sure your technician is aware of any animals in the house so they can work with you on the right solution. There Are Natural Methods You Can Use Whatever method you use is going to depend on

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4 Signs You Should Call Pest Control For an Ant Infestation

There’s a lot of responsibility that comes with being a homeowner. Yes, you get the benefits of owning a place and really calling something home. But that comes with a lot of work and a lot of obstacles you need to maneuver around. One threat to your home will be of the minuscule variety. Don’t let the size full you, though: pests of all signs can mean some serious problems for your home and for your day-to-day life. Ants are some of the most irritating pests to deal with, as their invasions of your space can feel endless. At what point do you need to call pest control to manage the situation? How do you know when you have an ant problem? There are certain signs that you can look out for. Read on and we’ll walk you through what you need to know. 1. You’ve Spotted Ants In and

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Common Utah Pests and How to Prevent Them

Insects have been around for nearly 350 million years, while humans have been around for only 300,000 years.  While we may not have been around for as long as bugs have, we certainly don’t want them in our homes. Nothing brings a shiver down your spine quicker than realizing you have a pest infestation problem in your home. If you live in Utah, you should be aware of common household pests in your area. Keep reading to learn about common pests and how you can prevent them.  Ants If you’ve already seen a few ants inside your home, chances are you may already have a pest infestation. When ants come into your home looking for food, they leave behind a trail of pheromones. This trail alerts other ants in the colony to where the food source is.  There are many different types of ants found in Utah including carpenter ants, argentine

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7 Major Benefits of Lawn Fertilization

Springtime might be one of the best times for lawn care, but it’s not the only time you should consider maintaining your yard. Regular lawn fertilization can ensure your yard looks great all year round. But the benefits don’t stop there. Proper yard care could help you enjoy higher property values, fewer lawn pests, and a healthier, more eco-friendly home.  What Are the Benefits of Lawn Fertilization? Before we address each of the benefits of lawn fertilization, it’s crucial to note what those benefits are! Generally, the most remarkable benefits of keeping your yard fertilized are: Improved Lawn Appearance Fewer Unwanted Pests Increased Property Value Healthier Soil Decreased Erosion Less Money Spent Reseeding Environmentally-Friendly Options Now, let’s jump into these benefits to discover why they’re vital and what they could mean for you and your property. You might be surprised to learn that your lawn care could improve far more

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