
10 Telltale Signs of a Rat Infestation

There is nothing more unpleasant than having an unwanted visitor in your home. It’s no wonder that the home security systems market is expected to be worth $78.9 billion by 2025. Feeling safe in your own home is a priority for many.  But what about unwanted visitors who aren’t deterred by the latest home security system? Or visitors who can squeeze into small spaces and don’t have to worry about setting off any alarms?  Rat infestations can damage your home, your possessions, and your well-being–not to mention your peace of mind when hanging out in your home. Rats are known to bring disease. When in your home, they will shred whatever materials are available to them to make nests. Plus they can bring quite a scare to unsuspecting people when they suddenly make themselves visible. But how do you know if you have unwanted rats in your home? And what

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The Major Signs of a Spider Infestation in the Home

Did you know that around 3,000 species of spiders are found in North America? Even if you’re not an arachnophobe, this number is enough to make most people feel uncomfortable. Thankfully, the majority of spiders aren’t dangerous at all. However, they (and their webs) can still be unsightly. Are you wondering if you have a spider infestation or just a few extra roommates? Then read on. We’ll tell you all the major signs of a spider infestation so you know when you should call a pest control company. Spider Webs Spiders will spin webs to catch their prey. So if you start seeing more spider webs pop up, you should be wary, as this is a good sign that these 8-legged pests are moving into your home. You should also inspect the outside of your property for spider webs in places like bushes. This can be a sign that they’re

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Rats vs Mice: How to Spot the Difference

Diseases can be spread to humans from mice and rats through direct contact, through bites, or through contact with rodent urine, feces, or saliva. Around the world, these rodents spread more than 35 diseases. If you’ve noticed evidence that you might have a rodent infestation, you are probably quite disturbed. Not only is it unsettling to have mice or rats in your home, but it also poses a health risk to you and your family. Once you learn a little bit about the physical attributes, habitat, and other characteristics of these rodents, it can help you to tell the difference between rats vs mice. If you’ve come to the internet to ask “do I have rats or mice?” consult this guide to help you find your answer. Physical Attributes In North America, there are over 70 different species of rats and mice. When trying to identify whether you have a

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The Benefits of Hiring Professional Weed Control Services

Are you tired of seeing weeds sprout up around your yard after treatment? It might feel like you kill one weed, then ten more take its place. If so, then you need to consider hiring professional weed control services. Doing so can help you in a variety of ways. It can give you long-lasting results that are safe and effective for your yard, your pets, your children, the grass around it, etc. It opens your yard to many other resources for weed protection. See below for a list of the biggest benefits that you will receive when you hire weed control services for your yard. 1. Safe Products to Kill the Weeds Did you know that certain store-bought weed killer solutions are banned in other countries? While we won’t mention any brand names here, that should raise your eyebrow to how toxic store-bought weed killers can be. They use such

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7 Signs You Should Call Pest Control Immediately

Do you need to call pest control? It can be difficult to know when to make the call, but there are signs that let you know it’s time. No matter how well you clean or maintain your home, you’ll likely face a pest infestation at some point. While some are relatively minor and easy to treat, others are more challenging and warrant a call to a pest control company. Keep reading to learn when to call pest control for professional help. 1. Structural Damage If the first sign of a problem you see is structural damage, it’s time to immediately call for pest control. Wood is a prime target for hungry termites. You likely won’t see the bugs working their way through your wood, but you can see the tunnels and pinholes they leave behind.  Termites work fast and multiply quickly. They can cause serious damage, so it’s important to

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Squirrel Damage Control

  There are few creatures as stubborn and adaptable as the common squirrel. Found everywhere from the countryside to our downtown shopping centers, these rodents are great at finding creative ways to get the food and shelter they need in a pinch. While these traits may seem admirable, especially when you consider how cute these animal acrobats are, any homeowner knows that squirrels can be a major hassle in the wrong situation! Squirrel damage can be anything from overturned flowers to unwanted guests in the attic. Worse, these pests are surprisingly hard to kick out of your home and immediate surroundings. How do you keep these nuisances at bay? Let’s take a look at how squirrels damage your home, and how to stop them. Types of Damage Squirrels Can Cause Despite their small size, squirrels can wreak havoc around your home. If you’re wondering whether damage you’re seeing is due to

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