
Home Maintenance Tips to Banish Bugs and Keep Pests Away

The planet is home to a conservative estimate of 900,000 living insect species. That’s already a lot, but some experts say it could be 2 million or even up to 30 million. Either way, the majority of these creatures are beneficial, while others are benign. Unfortunately, about 1% of insects belong to the pestiferous class, AKA pests. They are pestilent because they destroy crops, forests, and grazing. Worse, some of them bring diseases not only to humans but to other animals and plants, too. That’s a good enough reason to get rid of bugs you see in and around your home. We’ll share advice about getting rid of bugs (and keeping them out) with home maintenance, so be sure to read on. Name the Buggers Utah’s natural geography and varying climates make it a prime spot for insects. So much so that the Beehive State is home to more than

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5 Tips for Bed Bug Pest Control

Have you noticed small fecal spots or shell flakes underneath your mattress? Do you wake up with itchy bites on your skin every morning? If so, then it’s a sign that you have bed bugs in your house. If so, then you need to learn all that you can about proper bed bug pest control and what it requires to get things back on track. Going about it the right way is crucial for getting rid of them as quickly as possible. See below for an in-depth guide listing several tips for bed bug pest control that you can use in your home. 1. Know the High-Traffic Spots Most people are thrown off the scent of bed bugs in their homes due to the name of the bug. As long as there are no signs of bed bugs in your bed, they aren’t in your house, right? Unfortunately, that’s not

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5 Early Warning Signs of a Termite Infestation

If there’s one type of infestation no homeowner wants to find in their home, it’s termites. They might be the tiniest of critters, but termites can do serious damage to your home over time. Each year, termites cause country-wide destruction across the U.S. It sounds dramatic, but termites infest not only homes but commercial buildings. If you ignore the signs of termite infestation, you could be looking at thousands of dollars’ worth of damage. This is why it’s so important to be vigilant as a homeowner and know what to look for when it comes to a termite infestation. This blog is here to keep you prepared. 1. Hollow Sections of Wood Although they are tiny, termites have great power in large swarms. This means they can literally eat their way through solid wood, no matter the size or thickness of the beams. They do this by creating tiny networks

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How to Get Rid of Pests in Six Easy Steps

Your home is your comfort space. It’s the one place you’re able to go and be free of all the stress caused by the real world. The last thing you want is to be forced to deal with pests inside your home.  Once you realize you might have a pest problem, it’s time to start figuring out how to get rid of pests. If not addressed right away, pests can easily invade and take over your entire house. We’re not going to let that happen.  We’re going to stop pests in their tracks before the problem worsens. To learn more information on how to get rid of household pests, continue reading below. Here are several helpful tips! 1. Seal All Food Items When pests invade your home, they’re on the hunt for food, shelter, and water. If your home provides them with a solid food source, then they’re going to

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What Are the Different Types of Pests?

Did you know that the residents of over 14 million houses across the United States have reported seeing at least one kind of pest in their home within the last year? There are many types of pests and dealing with them can be difficult if you don’t know much about them. Luckily, that’s what this article is for. Read on to learn how to identify certain pests and know when it’s time to call pest control services. To start off our conversation, let’s take a closer look at one of the most common types of pests found in homes: cockroaches. Cockroaches as Household Pests There are thousands of species of cockroaches and while some live in the wild, many live in cities or in our homes. While they can be an important part of the ecosystem in the wild, they can become serious pests once they enter the household. Some

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