
What Causes a Rat Infested House

There are few things less repulsive to homeowners than a rat infested house. This is especially true in densely-populated cities like Denver, which was deemed one of the ten most rat-infested cities in American in 2018. Residents noticed a rat invasion spreading through City Center Park. Some encountered what they described as giant rats. In fact, despite its lower population and absence of many major cities, the state of Utah experienced an overpopulation of rats in 2020 due to a mild winter and extensive construction projects over the summer. Rampant rodent infestation is many residents’ living nightmare. If you’re a homeowner, you need to understand what attracts rats and how to prevent rat infestation in the home. How To Avoid a Rat Infested House Let’s talk about what rats are looking for when shopping for a new home to invade. Rats have the same wants and needs as any living creature. They’re looking for a source of food

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The Signs You Have Bedbugs and How to Get Rid of Them

If you’ve ever dealt with a bedbug infestation, you know what a headache these pests can be. Despite their tiny size, they’ve become notorious for clearing out entire hotels and driving people out of their homes. With sneaky habits that make them hard to spot, it’s easy to miss signs of an infestation until it’s too late. If you’re wondering whether these nuisances are causing your itching and scratching—and how to get rid of bedbugs, if they’re the cause—we’ve got you covered. Here’s what you should know about spotting and dealing with a bedbug infestation. Know the Signs of a Bedbug Infestation First things first: are bedbugs to blame for your problems? Unfortunately, the state of Utah is home to a number of biting and stinging insects that can make your life a nightmare if they get through your doors. From mosquitoes to fleas and ticks, there’s no shortage of creatures that

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How to Get Rid of an Ant Infestation Quickly

There are over 10,000 species of ants around the world. Each of these types of ants may have different capabilities and are found in different areas of the world. If you are dealing with an ant infestation, it can feel impossible to get rid of all of them. Do you want to learn how to get rid of an ant infestation quickly? Keep reading this article for tips on the best ant bait and tips to remove these pests from your home. Seal Entry Points As with any pest, the first step to dealing with an infestation is to seal any potential entry points into your home. While it can be difficult to identify holes or cracks small enough for ants to enter, sealing any cracks with caulk or spackle will keep them from getting into your home in the first place. Eliminate Food & Water Sources Another important tip

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Are There Non-Toxic Pest Control Options?

Picture this. You’re sitting on your porch, and a swarm of mosquitos accosts you. You reach for the bug spray and drive the annoyances away. The likely reason the bug repellant is so effective is because of the DEET inside. DEET  or N,N-diethyl-meta-toluamide isn’t usually an overwhelmingly dangerous chemical. Many cases of DEET poisoning are relatively mild. Still, There has been evidence of long-term exposure to DEET resulting in memory loss and impaired muscle control. DEET is just one potentially harmful bug spray chemical. Cyfluthrin, for example, can be mild to incredibly toxic if ingested. Understandably, you’d rather rely on non-toxic pest control options. However, you may not be sure what safer, eco-friendly options there are or how to find them. If you’re looking for less-toxic, non-toxic, and eco-friendly pest control, then keep reading. Hopefully, the information below will guide you in the right direction. Non-Toxic Pest Control Options There are many good reasons to

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DIY Pest Control? Top Reasons Pest Control Is Best Left to the Experts

Household insecticides make up a $12 billion global industry. The United States, in turn, is the largest consumer and producer of such products. While convenient, these ready-to-use pesticides may not be as beneficial as you think. On the contrary, their improper use can pose health hazards. Experts even link their misuse and overuse to food shortages. So, before you spend a lot on DIY pest control methods, it’s best to know why it might not be a good idea in the first place. We’ll share some of the essential facts you need to know about this topic below, so be sure to keep reading. Incorrect Pesticide Use Gives Rise to Resistance In human beings, pathogens like bacteria and fungi can develop medication resistance. In many cases, this results from the improper use and overuse of antibacterial drugs. Unfortunately, a similar process occurs in pests; they develop resistance against pesticides. The

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What is Organic Pest Control?

One billion pounds of conventional pesticides are used annually to control weeds, insects, and other pests in the US alone. Pesticides have become commonplace in the modern world. But many people can no longer ignore the serious implications they carry for the environment, and for human and animal health. The overuse of pesticides can destabilize ecosystems, reducing the quality of water sources that humans and animals rely on for survival. In 2021, there is greater awareness about the damage humans are doing to the planet. More people are turning to eco-friendly alternatives. And biopesticides can be an excellent way to deal with pests at home. Continue reading to learn more about organic pest control. Why We Use Pesticides Pests in your property can damage your health, as well as your home and landscape. Termites, cockroaches, mosquitoes, rodents, ants, bed bugs, fleas, and ticks are some unwanted guests you may be familiar with.

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