
How to Find the Best Pest Control Company For Your Home

There are now over 30,000 pest control companies across the US. It’s not enough to hire the first company you come across, though. Instead, you need to determine how to best narrow down your options. Otherwise, you could end up hiring a pest control company that lacks the expertise or service you need. Here are seven tips that can help you find the best pest control company in the area. With these tips, you can plan a more effective search. You’ll have peace of mind knowing a professional team is on the job. Say goodbye to those bugs and pests! Start your search for the best pest infestation team using these tips today. 1. Ask Around One of the easiest ways to narrow down your options is to speak with people you already trust. Ask your friends, family members, and neighbors in the area for a recommendation. Do any of

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Flying Ants vs Termites: When You Should Worry

Termites are a massive concern for new homebuyers and longtime owners looking to protect their investment.  Identifying termites early can save you substantial time and money. Unfortunately, it’s easy to misidentify termites and flying ants, as the swarms share numerous characteristics. Understanding the subtleties of flying ants vs termites is essential to formulate an effective removal and prevention plan. This guide will cover all you need to know about identifying these persistent pests and whether you should be concerned. Flying Ants Vs Termites: Telling the Difference The behaviors of a winged termite vs flying ant are similar because their wings develop at the same point in their life cycles. Both start to fly and swarm as part of their reproductive processes. Mating Behaviors As the weather gets warmer during springtime, flying ants and termites fly from their nests to search for mates and new nesting grounds. These select colony members, called alates or

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Wasps vs. Hornets vs. Bees: What’s the Difference?

With over 900,000 different species of insects in the world, it can be difficult to differentiate between some of them. Wasps, bees, and hornets may all look like and belong to the same subspecies of insects, but they are vastly different. If you have a stinging pest infestation, it can be difficult to determine if they’re wasps vs hornets vs bees. What type of insect they are will also have an effect on how the infestation is remedied. This guide will go over the differences between the three insects and the best ways to handle a bee, wasp, or hornet infestation. What Are Bees? Bees are important pollinators. They eat nectar and pollen and then feed it to their young. If you get stung by a bee, it’ll typically die shortly after. Their stingers get embedded in your skin, preventing multiple stings. However, they don’t always die after they sting. Their

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Are Carpenter Ants Dangerous to Your House?

When you see an ant in your home, you may be inclined to sweep it away and forget about it. But is that one little ant a sign of a much bigger problem? Are you ignoring some serious damage going on to the very foundation of your home? If you’ve found one, you’re probably wondering are carpenter ants dangerous to my home and family. Unfortunately, the answer is yes. But there’s no need to panic when you see one. A professional will always know how to safely and effectively get rid of a carpenter ant infestation. They’re big and scary looking, but carpenter ants dealt with quickly and in the correct way won’t amount to a larger problem. Before you decide to pick up the phone and call an exterminator, you should learn a bit more about carpenter ants. Keep reading to find out what carpenter ants look like, are

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How to Get Rid of Carpet Beetles

Have you noticed wear and tear in your furniture, carpets, and clothing? Moths might not be the problem. Carpet beetles are one of the most common household pests and can cause similar damage as moths. Learn more about these pesky beetles in this guide and discover how to get rid of them if you find an infestation in your home. What Are Carpet Beetles? Carpet beetles are small beetles that feed on materials commonly found in carpets and other furniture. Some of the materials they feed on include: Woolen upholstery  Feathers Fur Wool Silk Linen Cotton Animal Dander Insects Because the list of materials that they can consume is so extensive, many households provide a ripe environment for a carpet beetle infestation. One single female carpet beetle can lay 30-100 eggs, meaning that an infestation can quickly develop. They are oval-shaped and generally no larger than an inch and as small

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What Kind of Spiders Are Dangerous Spiders?

You hear a scream and someone running for a paper towel or rolled-up newspaper. With nearly a third of Americans having a fear of spiders, who is the designated spider killer in your house? Are house spiders dangerous to you and your loved ones? Before you start swatting, you should know that not all the creepy crawlies in your home are dangerous spiders. In fact, it’s useful to have most of them in your home because they keep away other dangerous and destructive pests. Now we’re not saying you should leave every spider in your shower alone to do his business while you cower in fear, but the ones that live up in your attic or down in your basement? As long as those aren’t a dangerous variety, it’s best to leave them be. But how do you tell the difference between types of spiders? And once you know which spiders

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