
How To Avoid a Spider Infestation in Your Home

Are you worried there’s a spider infestation growing in your home? There are a lot of reasons to get rid of pests in your home. Doing so improves the state of your home by removing unclean invaders, and it also improves the state of your mind as pests have a psychological effect on some people. Among the latter are the spiders, which are a big problem for people with arachnophobia. The only thing that’s better than getting rid of pests is preventing them from settling and growing at all. To learn how to do this, take a quick look at the guide we have below. Learn how to identify the signs of a spider infestation and what you can do to keep them out of your house. What Are the Signs of Spider Infestation? There are a lot of signs to tell you there’s an infestation in your home. Spider

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How to Keep Mice Out of Your House

Did you know that 37% of homeowners have seen a rodent in their house in the last year? If you haven’t seen one in yours, don’t count your lucky stars just yet. It might be that you just haven’t spotted them or they might move in sometime in the future. While you can’t fully prevent rodents from becoming unwanted houseguests, there are definitely ways you can make your property as unattractive as possible to them. That way, you’ll decrease the chances of them finding your home appealing. Here’s how to practice good rodent control so you keep mice and rats out of your home. Keep Dry Foods Sealed Up Don’t just keep your dry foods in their original packages in your cupboard. The fact is, rodents can easily chew through bags and paper cartons. Get yourself a nice set of plastic or metal containers and put all your dry goods

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7 Reasons Why DIY Pest Control Is Not the Solution

DIY pest control is a fairly compelling idea at first. If you’re looking for ways to save money around the home, it’s likely one of the first things that you think of. You can handle a few bugs, right? The thing is, while you may be able to handle a few bugs, an infestation is a much bigger deal. You can’t just grab a flyswatter and get rid of a wasp nest or a cockroach infestation. In this guide, we’re going to take a look at why DIY pest control is a terrible idea for the hygiene and health of your home. Are you ready to learn more? Then read on. 1. Pests Can Be Dangerous Sure, bugs can be gross and rodents can cause damage to your home, but they’re not really dangerous, right? You couldn’t be more wrong. Many bugs are venomous. For instance, black widow spiders have

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Tired of Backyard Mosquitoes? How to Keep From Getting Bit

Mosquitoes are not just a nuisance. They carry diseases and can cause many other issues. In fact, over one million people in the world die from mosquito-borne illnesses and diseases each year. Do you want to learn how you can prevent getting bit by mosquitoes in your backyard? Keep reading these tricks and ticks to stay safe from mosquitos in the summer months. 1. Remove Standing Water If you want to prevent getting big outside in the summer, you want to remove any kind of standing water in your yard. While many other pests are attracted to water sources, mosquitos are known to lay their eggs in any standing water. Once mosquitos lay their larva in your standing water, it is likely that you will experience an infestation of mosquitoes in your backyard. To prevent this, you want to remove any standing water. Even if you don’t have a pond or

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8 Ways to Keep Your Home Pest Free This Summer

According to a national survey in the United States, 84 percent of homeowners had experienced problems with pests within the past year. Especially in the summer months, pest problems increase. Do you want to learn how to go pest free during the summer? Keep reading these 8 tips to keep pests out of your home this summer! 1. Check Water Sources One way you can go pest free this summer is by checking water sources in your home. Water is a great place for bugs to lay eggs, especially mosquitos. In fact, female mosquitos lay eggs in any container that holds water. Even if you don’t have a water feature or pond in your yard, any container that has standing water could act as a breeding area for new mosquitos.  Make sure you keep these types of containers upside down to prevent water from gathering. This will help you prevent

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How Do I Get Rid of Spiders in My House?

Are you noticing spiders around your home? Whether you’re an arachnophobe or concerned about spider bites, it’s necessary to know how to get rid of spiders around your home.  Continue reading to learn more about spiders you might find in your home and some effective ways to get rid of them. What Are the Common Household Spiders? There are several common types of household spiders you may find in your home. These include the American House Spider, the Brown Recluse Spider, the Wolf Spider, and the Hobo Spider. The American House Spider American House Spiders are found in places in your home such as dark corners, under cabinets, in basements, and around windows. These spiders are small and round, with grey and white markings. You may be able to identify them by their webs, which are typically tangled. If you see an American House Spider in your home, don’t worry–it

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