
9 Ways to Tell If You Have a Bed Bug Infestation in Your Home

Have you noticed some changes in your home, such as insect shells or mysterious stains? Bed bugs are one of the most common household pests that may cause these changes. It’s best to catch and remove them as soon as possible since they can lay over 200 eggs.  They can quickly spread throughout your home, making you their food source. So, read on to learn nine signs of a bed bug infestation.  1. Itchy Red Spots  One of the most common signs of a bed bug infestation is the bites on your skin. Bed bug bites are small and red, leaving a cluster of bumps across your skin. You may experience redness, itchiness, and swelling when your skin reacts to the bite.  However, some may not know there are bites because they have no physical reaction to them. Bed bugs come out at night or early morning to nip on

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Pest Tips: 9 Tips for Stopping an Ant Infestation in Kitchens

Did you know that you’ll find over 10,000 species of ants in the world? A kitchen ant infestation can be a problem, regardless of how well-equipped your kitchen is. Without experience in getting rid of ants, you might feel like it’s unstoppable. This might lead you to resent your kitchen if you aren’t careful enough. Don’t give up yet. With this guide, you’ll learn how to stop an ant infestation in kitchens. That way, you’ll know what to do to ensure that this menace won’t plague you any more. Read on and find out more: 1. Keep Food Crumbs Minimal This is one of the most obvious tips but often overlooked by most homeowners. One of the primary reasons ants settle into your kitchen is because they have a rich supply of food. Always remember that these critters will bring back anything to the colony, whether it’s bread crumbs or

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Do I Have Squirrels in the Attic? 7 Indications That You Do

When most people think of squirrels, they think of cute, fuzzy animals that are totally harmless. While this might be the case outdoors, if you have squirrels in the attic, it’s a whole different story. Squirrels have sharp teeth and are always gnawing and chewing on things. This means they can cause damage in your home, chew up electrical wires, and even transmit diseases. They’ve been known to carry rabies, and in July of 2020, Colorado health officials confirmed that a squirrel tested positive for the bubonic plague!  While it’s unlikely you’ll get the plague from a squirrel, getting squirrels out of the attic is still a good idea. If you’re wondering whether you have squirrels in your attic, then you’re in the right place. Here are a few common signs of attic rodents. 1. Unusual Noises Squirrels are larger than many other common household pests, so you can expect

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Why Do I Have a Sudden Ant Infestation?: The Facts You Need to Know

Some of the most common household pests are ants. Fortunately, these insects don’t carry disease, but they are still a nuisance for homeowners. Plus, if you’re dealing with carpenter ants, they can do some serious damage to your house. Every once in a while, you may notice a few here and there parading across your window sill or along the kitchen floor. However, you may also encounter a sudden ant infestation and realize that you have hundreds of these pests taking over your home. Where do all of these ants come from? How are they able to get into your home and what can you do about them? Read on to learn everything you need to know about sudden ant infestations.  What Causes a Sudden Ant Infestation? Why did all of these ants suddenly appear? There are a few factors that can lead to a sudden ant infestation. Typically, more

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Don’t Get Stung!: A Complete Guide to Safe Hornet Nest Removal

Have you heard that tell-tale buzzing sound around your home? Maybe you’ve heard it ominously coming from the attic, or you’ve noticed a growing hive on your front porch. You have a hornet problem.  While it’s a good practice to “live and let live,” so to speak, when it comes to creepy crawlies, a hornet nest is no joke. You, your family, and your pets can all become victims to these aggressive insects. But how do you go about hornet nest removal without subjecting yourself to painful stings? It’s not for the fainthearted.  Keep reading to learn everything that you need to know about how to get rid of a hornet nest without feeling the wrath of the hornets.  You Must Come Prepared While it’s tempting to attack the hive on the fly with a hose or a large stick, this is a bad plan of action that’s sure to

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7 Questions to Ask Your Potential Pest Control Company

There’s no doubt that pests are a problem for homes all across America. In fact, 84% of American homes have experienced a pest problem in the last 12 months. Chances are, you’ve either had a pest problem yourself, are having an issue now, or will have one in the future. Whatever the case is, you need a reliable pest control company that can help you promptly with any active infestations or problems. But when it comes to local pest control companies, how can you make sure you hire the right one? Here are 7 questions you should ask a potential pest control company so you end up choosing the best one for your needs. 1. Are You Licensed? Considering pest control commonly involves the usage of pesticides, you need to work with a company that’s licensed. Otherwise, not only do you risk you and your family’s health, but you might also risk

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