
3 Major Reasons You Should Never Attempt to Do Your Own Pest Control

More than 80% of homeowners have experienced pests at some point inside their home. So chances are high that if you’re a homeowner you will too. It’s tempting to want to handle the problem on your own instead of hiring professionals. But that’s always the best idea and often doesn’t end in the desired results, leaving you with a bigger mess to take care of. We’ve compiled a list of the top six reasons to avoid do your own pest control. 1. Health and Safety Risks While there are natural remedies you could try to do your own pest control, they are often not as thorough, effective, or quick. This is why most people end up using stronger chemicals to get rid of their pest problem. Most of the chemicals on the market for pest control are safe to use, as long as you use them correctly and follow instructions perfectly.

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8 Common Types of House Spiders (and How to Get Rid of Them Fast!)

Your house can be an attractive home for spiders. They may spin a web in the corners of your ceiling because your house is warm and dry. Others may migrate to moist, dark basements and crawlspaces.  Stumbling across one in your personal space can be startling, and not just because they look scary. Some spiders can be dangerous.  So what are you supposed to do when you see one (is smashing it with a tissue even safe)? How do you get rid of them for good?  We’ve put together this guide to help you learn what type of house spiders you can expect to see in your home, which ones you should stay away from, and how to deal with them. Let’s get started!  (what they look like, where they hide, if they’re harmful)  1. American House Spider  These spiders are small and grey, often tinier than a nickel. They

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Is Do It Yourself Pest Control Ever a Good Idea? (Hint: The Answer Is No!)

Is pest control DIY the best solution for you? Most homeowners avoid contacting pest control services and would rather do all the work themselves. Statistics show that 74% of homeowners nationwide prefer to perform some form of DIY pest control.  However, this is a huge risk to your property. You may not think about it, but DIY pest control methods could be causing more harm than good. Read along to learn why do it yourself pest control is not such a good idea. More Pest Infestations A pest control DIY can cause the spread of your pest infestation. You could be using the wrong products or techniques to prevent pest infestations. These may include ants, roaches, mice, and other pests that can develop into a worse infestation. If you’re using the wrong treatment, your problem can eventually increase. You might not know how to effectively kill every pest inside or outside

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Tips and Tricks for Hiring the Best Commercial Pest Control Services

Do you own or manage a business? Are you beginning to get some unwanted visitors in your office, retail space, or warehouse? Are you wondering if it’s time to look for commercial pest control services? Pests in your business can do more than get you a bad reputation. They can damage your inventory as well as the structure of your building. A commercial pest control company can end up saving your building and your ability to do business. They are well worth whatever you spend to get them on the job. Yet how can you be sure you’ve found one that will rid your place of pests effectively and professionally? Here’s what you should be looking for. 1. Recommendations and Reviews One of the best ways to start looking for a reputable company is to ask trusted friends, family members, and co-workers for recommendations. Don’t be afraid to ask questions

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Buzz Off!: 4 Reasons You Should Hire Pest Control Services to Get Rid of Carpenter Bees

Wrestling with a carpenter bees? If you are, then you may have heard countless stories about how dangerous and destructive they can be. If you have been struggling to determine whether or not you need pest control services then you need more information. Once you have this information you can decide what you need to do. Here is all you need to know about hiring pest control services to get rid of carpenter bees. 1. They Can Potentially be Deadly Carpenter bees look a lot like bumblebees. Some will have yellow and black stripes while others will be completely black. Female carpenter bees have a stinger but they rarely sting. When they do sting the results can be very painful, and even toxic. If you do get a sting it means that you will need to seek medical help immediately especially if you are one of those people who are

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Utah Pest Control: How to Keep Your House Pest Free in The Winter

The goal for most people during the winter is to stay warm, dry, and inside as much as possible. It is also the goal of most pests. Mice, rats, and squirrels are driven to find shelter from the cold and food to sustain them through the winter. Cold weather pest control is vital to keep your home, family, and food protected. Rodents are not only a nuisance, they carry diseases and will ruin food supplies. Here is what you need to know for Utah pest control in the winter. Seal Cracks Leading Inside The first step in winter pest control is to make it very hard for them to get inside your home. You need to seal as many crevices and cracks as you can find. Easy access points are around doors, especially garage doors. Also, watch the entry points for utility or cable lines. The areas under porches and

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