
Stink Bugs 101: Who Do You Stink You Are?

If you’ve ever had an interaction with a stink bug, you know that they’re all around unpleasant. These insects are invasive, they can lay up to 100 eggs at a time in your home, and worst of all, they really do stink. While stink bugs are pretty much harmless when living in nature, they have proven themselves to be quite dirty (and uninvited) houseguests. Today, stink bugs are considered common pests, and many pest control companies specialize in their removal. Do you suspect that your home has a stink bug problem? Here, we’re going to teach you everything you need to know about these naughty bugs and what you can do to eliminate them from your home. Keep reading to become an expert on these creatures! What Are Stink Bugs? Stink bugs are insects that belong to the Hemiptera, or “true bug” order. They were introduced to American shores by

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Which Is the Best Pest Control Method? 5 Ideas

Pests are a nuisance to any home. They cause all kinds of destruction, including scavenging on your leftovers, scrawling around, and even biting you. While some pests are easy to eradicate, others are annoyingly stubborn and can camp in your home against your will for too long. Well, there is no single pest control method that kills all kinds of pests. Even one that worked for you months ago might not work anymore the next time you try it. Some control methods can also cause harm to humans and animals, hence not good for use anyhow. So, how do you control these creepy little creatures? Here are some five ideas that have worked for many people. 1. Prevent Then From Coming to Your Home The first method to ensure pests don’t become a nuisance is to ensure they find no room in your home. You can stay away from all

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Ants in the Kitchen: What to Do and Who to Call

Are you noticing that you have more and more ants making their way to your kitchen counters? Have you seen a few walking in a line and have a sneaking suspicion that there are others? If so, then you need to learn what to do about ants in the kitchen. Ants are one of the most resilient animals in all of the animal kingdom. Once they find a source for food (such as your kitchen), they won’t go away easily. See below for an in-depth guide on how to get rid of ants in the kitchen and what attracts them to it in the first place. What Attracts Ants In the Kitchen? Consider ant colonies the biggest moochers in the world. More than your brother that eats all your food whenever he stays over. More than your child when they come home from college. If ants find a consistent source

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What Cause Bug Infestations? Your Complete Guide

Nobody wants to think that they have tiny bugs in their home, or even worse, in their bed. But the truth is that bedbugs are one of the most common home bug infestations in the world.  From the name, you can probably guess where they are most commonly found. But bedbugs, or “Cimex lectularius Linnaeus” can actually be found on any home textiles, from sofas to clothes. Where do they come from? How do you get rid of them? Are they dangerous to my health?  Read on to discover the answers to these questions, along with advice on what you can do to prevent ever having to face an infestation in the first place. How Bug Infestations Happen Archaeologists have discovered fossils of bed bugs and believe they have been around for thousands of years, so they are not a new problem. While many believe that they are the result of unsanitary living

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Get Over Itch: Eliminating the Source of Itchy Mosquito Bites

Mosquitoes are one of the deadliest animals in the world according to the World Health Organization. Why? Because they are incredibly effective at carrying and spreading serious diseases. Mosquito-borne illnesses include Zika, West Nile virus Malaria Yellow fever Dengue. In the United States, West Nile Virus is the number one mosquito-transmitted disease. One in 150 infected people become very ill, even fatally. Currently, there is no vaccine.  Clearly, mosquitos are not just an annoying pest but a serious health concern, even in the US. So what’s the best way to prevent mosquito bites? Read on to find out. Get Rid of Standing Water Mosquitos think that standing water is the ideal breeding ground. But it’s not just swamps and lakes that attack these nasty pests. Even innocent bodies of water such as buckets, flowerpots, birdbaths, outdoor kid toys, and rain barrels can provide the perfect place for female mosquitos to lay their eggs.  Plus,

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5 Common Household Pests (And How to Avoid Them)

A 2016 study found that most homes have a lot of pests living in them — more than you’d probably think. Researchers revealed that the average abode houses more than 100 different kinds of bugs.  But most of these bug species prove to be benign. They neither show themselves to us, nor do they do any harm to our health or the structure of our homes.  The problem lies with the more common pests — the ones you know you don’t want in your house.  Luckily, there are steps you can take to keep your home free of these bugs and rodents. Here’s what to look out for — and how to protect your house from them.  1. Mice You’d probably be more scared to find out you had rats in your house. But just because mice are so much smaller than their rodent counterparts doesn’t mean they can’t do

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