
How To Recognize Signs Of Mice

Do you have mice in your house or are you just driving yourself nuts? You wouldn’t believe how many folks have asked us this question. They can’t be blamed, sometimes it can be difficult to tell. Even if you’re sure you have a mouse problem, how can you be sure it isn’t rats? Sometimes, folks mistake the sound of termites for mice and rats. They both enjoy chewing up your home. If you guess wrong, you may have just forked over your hard-earned money on a solution that has no chance of success. So in this article, we’ll discuss how you can tell if you have a mouse problem. Know Your Enemy Sure, they look cute with fuzzy faces and ears, but they aren’t cute. Mice can spread a variety of diseases and contaminate just about everything they come into contact with. They’re also big eaters. While they’re two main

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Winter & Preventative Pest Control

People don’t think of the colder months as being particularly bad for pest problems. That’s mostly because they’re thinking of outdoor insects like mosquitoes, wasps, ants, and termites. Cockroaches, rats, mice, and spiders are all active during the winter months. In fact, you’ll probably notice rodents more in winter than you will during the warmer seasons. Rodents and other pests are much like people. People like warm, climate-controlled temperatures with easy access to food and water. However, rodents don’t respect property rights or civilized society. They will break into your home, set up shop, and from there, you and your family could be in danger. In this article, we’ll discuss winter pest control efforts and preventative pest control. House Mice As the weather begins to cool off, house mice go looking for a warmer place to habitat. Your wonderful temperature-controlled home provides them with everything they need. First, they’re attracted

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Your Guide to Yellowjacket Wasps And Yellowjacket Hives

There are 30,000 different types of wasps on Earth. Of this huge family of insects, not all are considered pests. Yellowjackets are a subset of wasps that are social and identified by their color. Not all yellowjackets are pests, but pest yellowjacket hives can be big trouble in your yard. Wasps are famous for being able to sting, and unlike honeybees, they can sting multiple times without harming themselves. Wasp stings are painful and can cause allergic reactions. While they are only a serious threat to health if you are allergic, no one wants to be stung by a wasp. Yellowjacket Wasps Yellowjackets is a name commonly associated with a set of mustard to bright yellow and black wasps. They are social insects, living in groups instead of being solitary. There are many names for yellowjackets, including hornet and ground hornet. They are also sometimes known as ground hornets. They are commonly found

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The Smelliest Pest: 9 Ways To Get Rid Of Stink Bugs

What if your home was invaded by the smallest and stinkiest of invaders? No, we’re not talking about the neighborhood kids. This is a different kind of pest: the dreaded stink bug. Many homeowners don’t know how to get rid of stink bugs and effectively surrender to the stench. But when you know what to do, you can take control of your home once more. Ready to tackle your own stink bug problem? Here are 9 proven ways to get rid of these pests. Seal It Up How do you start to fix your stink bug problem? The same way you would handle any other invader. Make sure they can’t get in! These bugs often come into your home through exterior cracks. And cracks can be hard for you to see when they are hidden behind areas like pipes and chimneys. You need to do a careful inspection of the

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6 Signs You May Have a Mouse Infestation

Think you have a mouse infestation on your hands? If so, you’ll want to make sure that’s the case before dealing with it. Of course, the most obvious sign of a mouse infestation is spotting a live specimen. This is also a bad way to find out you have a problem. Mice tend to stick to dark corners, so seeing one in person could mean there are many more. Other signs of an infestation are more subtle. This doesn’t mean you can ignore them, as mice reproduce very quickly. A female mouse can give birth to up to 10 litters each year, and the average litter contains 10-12 pups. In other words, your best bet is to play it safe and get rid of mice fast. Here are 6 common signs that you have unwelcome guests in your home. 1. Droppings Mouse droppings are the biggest indicator of an infestation. Mice produce a lot of droppings and you

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10 Tips on How to Deal With Summer Pests

Summer is almost here, and that means enjoying time outdoors, planning BBQs, and… dealing with summer pests! That’s right, this time of year, mosquitoes, ants, and other critters seem to be everywhere! In fact, in 2019, Salt Lake Valley ranks in the top 10 US for greatest risk of disease-carrying pests! These pests only get worse as time goes on, so now is the time to take action. If you don’t want pests to ruin your summer fun, keep reading. We’ve got all of the summer pest control tips you need to enjoy your time indoors and out all summer long. 1. Shore Up Your Home To make sure you don’t end up with bugs in your home, the first thing you’ll want to do is make sure you’ve blocked off any points of entry. Look around your windows and doors to see if there are any gaps that need

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