FAQs About Mosquitoes

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Mosquitoes are a common pest throughout Utah. They come out over the summer months and can make being outdoors almost unbearable. They can easily get inside your home as well and create a nuisance by biting you, your family members, and your guests. Mosquito bites leave unsightly bumps that itch and may become infected. They can also spread a host of potentially dangerous diseases. At Elevate Pest Control, our Utah pest control professionals are highly trained and skilled in eliminating this common problem and preventing reinfestation. The following are frequently asked questions about mosquitoes that we often hear from concerned customers. 

What Types Of Conditions Attract Mosquitoes?

The City of Logan warns residents about the potentially large numbers of mosquitoes that can invade Utah over the warm weather months. Read more…

How Many Days Does A Mosquito Live?

Mosquitoes have a relatively short life cycle compared to some other types of pests. Read more…

What Type Of Water Does A Mosquito Need To Breed?

Mosquitoes need warm temperatures to thrive while their eggs need still, stagnant water in order to hatch. Read more…

How Do Mosquitoes Survive The Winter In Utah?

While they do thrive in warm weather, some mosquitoes in Utah can survive through the winter months. Read More…

How Much Time Can A Mosquito Live Without Eating?

Mosquitoes require water to live, particularly in the early stages, and get much of the nutrients they need through the organisms found in still, stagnant water. Read more…

Why Do Only Female Mosquitoes Bite?

For male mosquitoes, the sole goal in life is to mate and produce more mosquitoes. Read more…

Why Are Mosquitoes So Harmful?

Mosquito bites drain small quantities of blood from the vessels of victims. Read more…

Can Mosquitoes Harm Pets?

In addition to harming humans, mosquitoes can wreak havoc on the health of your pets. Read more…

What Should I Do For A Mosquito Bite?

Healthline recommends washing mosquito bites with warm, soapy water as soon as you notice them. Read more…

How Can I Prevent Mosquitoes & Their Bites?

Many local governments take an active role in preventing mosquitoes and the dangers associated with them through regular spraying of parks and other public places. Read more…

Contact Our Utah Pest Control Professionals For Help

Be aware that mosquitoes are persistent and it is almost impossible to completely eradicate the conditions that attract them to your yard and home. Similarly, many of the mosquito repellants, sprays, and other devices on the market fail in keeping you protected. If you notice mosquitoes getting into your home or see them frequently in your yard or on porches and decks, the safest bet to protect yourself and your loved ones is to call in our pest professionals.  

At Elevate Pest Control, we will work with you to safely and effectively eliminate mosquitoes and other types of pests from around your home.  To schedule a free consultation, call or contact our Utah pest control professionals online today.

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