Cache Valley Pest Control

Free Home Inspection for Recommendations and Solutions

Our pest services start by one of our friendly representatives coming out to visit your home or business to assess its size, structural makeup and setting to identify its potential problem areas (such as pest attractors and entry points). Then, we will provide you with a detailed list of services and a schedule that we recommend. This way, you pay only for the pest services you need, only as often as you need them.

Safe, Friendly Implementation

Our friendly pest management technicians will then visit your home on a pre-determined schedule to provide the pest services you agreed on during your initial visit. If you notice any pest problems between regularly scheduled routine services, just give us a call and we’ll provide an additional service free of charge. Our work is guaranteed.

Amazing Results with IPM (Integrated Pest Management)

To solve pest problems in the most efficient and eco-friendly ways possible, Elevate Pest Control uses procedures outlined by Integrated Pest Management. IPM is a set of common-sense principles laying out the order in which pest management actions should be taken. IPM exists to eliminate the effects of pesticides on wildlife not intentionally targeted. This way we can provide quality pest services while being ecologically considerate.

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